Saturday, October 13, 2007

Chantix Day 57 - Quit Day 50

Wow! It's been 7 weeks since I kicked The Evil Addict to the curb!!! Yaaay!

I'm feeling good and I don't really have anything new to post. Everything is about the same as last week's post, except I got some Gas-X and things are a lot better in that department :-) I did have an urge yesterday when I got home from work and pulled into the garage (my old smoking ground when the weather was too bad to smoke outside on the deck). I wouldn't call it a craving, but it was more than just a thought this time, so "urge" is a good's what Maggie would call a tugging. Anyway, I told myself: "NO! I'm a non-smoker now!" and eventually, the urge went only lasted a few minutes, less than five.

Other that that, my journey is still going well and it's still pretty easy for me (so far). Today is the day I'm due to refill my 3rd, and final, box of Chantix. Earlier in the week, I was debating whether I should refill it or not. I've missed several doses in month 2 and I never noticed a difference, so I was thinking maybe I'm ready to do this on my own. Well, that may be true, I might be ready, but I've decided to stick with my original plan and do the entire 12, I'll be ordering my refill here any minute. I do plan to taper off, so I'm going to sit down today and work on my tapering schedule.

Have a great weekend and continued success to all us quitters!!!


MamaFlo said...

Congrats on yet another day to your Quit!!!

I just picked up my refill today, my first and I noticed that it's only for a month and only for 1 pill a day - that doesn't sound right does it? I'm wondering who got this wrong, my PCP in writing the script or the pharmacy.

MsTekLady said...

Thanks, MamaFlo!

Your refill doesn't sound anything like mine. Mine was a 3 month prescription, one box per month (and I could only fill one month at a time). Inside the box, are 4 cards and the pills are on the cards, sealed in those plastic "bubbles" that you pop/push to get the pill out. During the first week, there was one pill per day, after that there's two pills per day. It looks like they're packaged and sent to the pharmacy straight from Pfizer...they don't come in the standard pharmacy bottles.

I don't see how you can only have one pill per day, when they're pre-packaged in boxes & cards with the Chantix logo all over them. UNLESS, maybe they're dispensed in more than one way that I'm not familiar with. How do you get your pills? In a pharmacy bottle or the blue & white Chantix box (the first month's, starter pack was green & white)?

Check out the Chantix site, does your prescription look like the picture on here:

MamaFlo said...

My first month was in fact what you describe but when I called in my second prescription (my initial prescription only came with a month, no refills)I got a bottle with 30 blue tabs inside and directions stated take one daily. I picked up a number of scripts so didn't pay attention until I got home. I know it's suppose to be twice daily for the first 12 weeks but I'm wondering who I should jump all over - did the pharmacy fill it incorrectly or did my PCP write it incorrectly? I can contact the pharmacy today to inquire but need to wait until Monday to call the doctor. Pisses me off to no end!!
I don't want to start wanting the cigarettes again - I want to stay quit. And if I'm feeling bitchy now about someone *@cking up, imagine what I'll be if my cravings are present - LOL (although it's not a funny picture I paint).

maggie said...

Sounds like you are doing great! I'm glad to hear that you are going ahead with getting your refill so that you can work out where to go from there. I tend to think that if Chantix is helping as much as it is for you and isn't causing any bad side effects and is affordable, why not give yourself every chance.

Konstantin said...

Congrats on your 3rd month refill! :D

I am SO excited for yoU!!

maggie said...

How's that last box of Chantix treating you?