Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Chantix Day 60 - Quit Day 53

Haven't been posting lately because my best friend's mom died and I've been spending all my time with my friend. This is just a quick post to say I'm still here and I'm still SMOKE-FREE for 8 weeks now! Yaaay!!!!

I'll post more and catch up with everybody this weekend. In the meantime, to answer Maggie's question: How's that last box of Chantix treating you? It's treating me about the same, pretty good, except the gastro issues are worse than ever!! Some days it's so bad, I can barely eat! And that is definitely not a good thing when I can't smoke or EAT-- talk about a day from hell!!! Luckily, I've only had a couple of really bad days like that and hopefully, in these last few weeks, I won't have many more!

I hope everyone's quit is going well!


maggie said...

MsTek, I'm sorry to hear about your friend's mom, and I'm sure you know how important it is that you are there for support.

I was glad when my 12 weeks was up because the nausea thing was really getting me, so I understand that the whole side effect thing can kind of wax and wane along the way.

Anyway, wow 8 weeks plus some days. That's just plain awesome.

Chris said...

Hi MsTek. It's been a while since you've posted an update. Hope all is well and you will be enjoying the upcoming holidays smoke free.