I've made it to this point before, but it was not this easy! This is sooo easy, it's scary! To recap this past week on Chantix:
- No cravings
- No nausea
- Some bloating/gas almost daily, usually gone within 15-20 minutes after getting up. But there was one day when it was VERY bad...I felt like smoking or even death would be better than what I was feeling!!! Ok, I can be a DQ (drama queen) at times! It lasted most of that day, but eventually it went away and I decided I was ok and it was better to live! :-)
- Had trouble getting to sleep one night
- Had trouble staying asleep one night
- Chantix dreams every night, but nothing bad or scary...mostly just everyday crap with everyday people in my life. Usually I wake up laughing or shaking my head, like WTF did I dream about so-n-so for?! LOL! What makes these dreams stand out is their vividness! I remember lots of little details! Note: I dream a lot on a normal basis, even when I'm not on Chantix so I've always had crazy, weird dreams... only now they are waaay more vivid and I remember more details, some more than I care to remember! LOL! When they list vivid dreams as a Chantix side-effect, they aren't lying! I've heard some people have psychotic, scary dreams! I am so sorry for them! Thank goodness I don't! Mine are usually amusing and even entertaining, sometimes I don't want to get up until the "movie" is over!
- Felt a little rage/anger earlier in the week...long story short, I was expecting hubby to bring me food from a particular restaurant, but apparently there was some miscommunication and at 10pm I called inquiring about my food. He had forgotten about me and my food! OMG!! No food AND no cigarettes!!! Well, I kind of went off...knocked all the stuff of the bedroom dresser! I was HUNGRY!!! And when I don't smoke, I eat! Luckily for me, I'm a "tiny little thing" so I can afford to put on some extra pounds...substituting food for cigarettes is not a problem for me....at least not yet! Anyway, I cleaned up my mess and I got over it. Now, I just make sure I stock up on any snacks that I might even remotely crave...I learned from that experience that I can NOT run out of food, so it's best to be over-prepared than to NOT be prepared at all. The results can be ugly!!!
- Went to the doctor today and I have allergic rhino sinusitis! Basically a fancy phrase for a VERY bad case of sinusitis that's causing allergic reactions in my body. Wow! No wonder I've felt like crap for so long! Anyway, got a bag of new meds (antibiotics, antihistamines, nasal spray...) Just what I want, MORE meds, but it's cool, at least now I KNOW what's wrong and I can treat it. I was beginning to think I was crazy! Ok, folks that know me will say, um well, you ARE crazy, what's your point?! LOL!!! Whatever! At least now I know all these physical ailments aren't just in my mind! I start on my meds tomorrow, so hopefully by the start of the new work week I'll feel closer to "normal"! Yaaay!!!
Food, yep, good reason to be a little irate.
Allergic rhino sinusitis? Wow. I went and got half an answer and some nose spray - generic Nasonex - for the same, even though doc wasn't convinced it was allergies (and I'm not, either). Odd. Very odd. I never had one sinus issue before now (other than the plugged ear thing they said Afrin would fix and did). I'm very curious now if this is something that is new for you, too...
Having sinus/allergy problems is not new for me, not new in the ten years since I've lived in the South... prior to living here, I never had sinus problems. But, it's never been this bad before and it's pretty bad, I've never felt so miserable! Ugh! O well, I need to go fix some breakfast and take all my meds. Hopefully I'll feel better soon!
Congratulation on your 3 wk milestone! Yippeeee!!!!
I don't have the sinus problem, thank goodness. Get better quick!
I can relate to some of the other things on your list though especially the gas. Unfortunately, it stays with me 24/7 and never goes away. I sure hope that it does some day. :)
Keep up the good work and congrats again!
Grats, that first month is just a step away!
One word for all allergies of the nose (even smokers who blow it in your face): Astelin
The weight gain is nothing compared to what smoking does to you. I think you can gain 10 pounds and nobody will care, even a doc.
I hope those meds are kinking in and you are getting some relief. I am just getting over a nasty cold/flu and the sinus issue has been the last to go. But I'm right behind you at 17 days. Good for us!
Hope the meds are working for ya and that you are feeling better. I do understand what you mean about the food. Although I could stand to lose a few.......I still snack but not Like i did in the first month or so.
Rages......glad Im not the only one who scrapes all off the dresser! haha
Hey, everybody! My bag of meds seems to be doing the job. I'm feeling much better, not 100% yet, but very close! Yaaay!!!
Today is my Chantix Day 32/Quit Day 25 and my quit is going well, much better than I ever imagined! I rarely even think about smoking. It's so hard to believe that just a few weeks ago I was killing myself with poison! It's kind of weird, but I almost feel like that person back then was a different person. I know it was me, but now it feels like it was me in someone else's skin...a smoker's skin. Crazy!!!
Thanks for all your encouragement and support. Hope everybody's quit is going well!
Glad you are feeling better and back among the living and blogging.
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