Saturday, September 29, 2007

Chantix 43 - Quit Day 36

It's been 6 weeks since I started Chantix. Wow, that means I'm half-way through the program! YAAAY!!!

Still doing great! Zero cravings and no major side-effects (I still have some bloating/gas most days and I'm still having my wonderful Chantix dreams every night :-) but that's it! No new side-effects/problems to report. For me, this is still waaay too easy and I'm loving it! Continued success to all us quitters!


maggie said...

Your journey is so inspiring! Congrats to you, and how cool that you still get the Chantix dreams without too much of the "other" stuff. Keep going!

Homestead Blogging said...

You're doing great!

I'm glad it has been so easy for you!

Keep it up! :)

MsTekLady said...

Thanks, Maggie & Sue! Hope you're doing well too!

MamaFlo said...

I'm jealous it's been so easy for you but I'm just glad you Quit and are staying Quit.

Congratulations on your month plus!!

Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...

yeah I think the bloating and gas goes away, try some gas ex. I always felt more bloated when drinking carbonated drinks. I have a Quit Coping blog about quitting with Chantix, want to do a link exchange? I'll add you now. You can find me at .

MsTekLady said...

Mamaflo - thanks! I don't know why it's so easy for some folks and not so easy for others :-( But, easy or not so easy, we've all hung in there and we're non-smokers now...that's all that matters!

Tracee - thanks for the Gas-X tip! Bloating and gas are my only real side-effects, so I will definitely give it a try. Yes, I'd love to do a link exchange (I just added your link).

Hope everybody's quit is going well!