Monday, August 27, 2007

Chantix Day 10 - Quit Day 3

The little blue pill is still working its magic! I could copy and paste yesterday's post here, because I would say the same thing about today...another great NON-SMOKING day!!! The only thing I would add about today is that I had some mild bloating and gas when I first woke up, but that went away after about 15 minutes. Other than that, no more side-effects to report! And most importantly, I had NO cravings or desire to smoke! Wow! This is so easy (so far), it is blowing my mind!

It's not often that I'm at a loss for words, but I'm in such awe of this drug, that I can't help but to keep repeating myself, so, here I go again:

This is almost too good to be true!!!!!!! :-)


Homestead Blogging said...

Way to go, you're doing awesome!

Anonymous said...

How cool! I'm actually sitting here smiling at your post. My journey was a little tougher, but still easier than without Chantix, and I'm delighted to know that it really can be that smooth for some folks. Yay you!

Chris said...

That's great! I hope to keep seeing posts like this. From you and soon enough me too.

Tabatha said...

Way to go......Sorry I haven't been posting anything over here. you are doing great.
Just remember if you do get a craving to breath and drink water and think of the reasons for your quit!!!! Im really happy things are going to smooth for you!!!

MsTekLady said...

Thanks, guys! I hope everybody is doing well. WE CAN DO THIS!!! Hang in there!