Sunday, August 19, 2007

Day 2

Feeling good today...really, really good! Not sure if it's the Chantix, but I have more energy than I've had in a long time, so much so that I'm going to hand-wash my Jeep after dinner! I can't remember the last time I washed my own vehicle...I usually pay $20 to a local car wash. Anyway...

I took my second pill this morning. I felt a little dizzy/buzzed for a few hours...nothing major, just a drowsy/mellow feeling that made me want to veg out on the couch all day. I also had a mild case of nausea... actually, mild discomfort is a more accurate description. That could've been because I didn't eat a big breakfast like I did yesterday...I only had a biscuit, OJ, and a glass of water. I'm not a breakfast eater, especially during the work week...this is a concern of mine, because I need to eat when I take the my Chantix pill. My plan is to take my morning dose on my 10am break at work (that's when I usually eat for the first time of the day).

Anyway, the discomfort and the dizziness passed after a few hours and I drove to the mall to do some shopping. Life is good!! :-)


Tasina said...

Sometimes taking pills with a big glass of milk can substitute for food. I don't eat much breakfast either. I just don't like the idea of food in the morning. Luckily, I haven't had any nausea problems. Taking the pill on your morning break does sound like a good idea too.

$20 for a car wash??? Wow. They better roll the thing back and forth and clean UNDER the tires for that. (Or maybe I'm just super cheap!)

MsTekLady said...

Thanks for the milk tip, Tasina. I'll give it a try on those mornings when I'm running late for work...which is pretty much every day! I'll let you know how it goes.

As for the $20 car wash...I think it's worth it (especially now after hand-washing...every muscle in my body hurts!). At the car wash I usually go to, they vacuum out the vehicle, scrub it down, run it through a soft-touch automated wash, and then they hand dry it. They do an excellent job on the wheels & tires, they wipe it down inside, and they clean all the windows, inside and out. Not bad, for an SUV with a high top and lots of windows!

Anonymous said...

I'm one of those that had the nausea thing, then didn't, then did again. I was able to get by in the mornings with a granola bar at my desk at work. Then, I went to after lunch instead. I have noticed that for me a "medium" stomach is perfect - not empty, not too full. I think everyone has their own little tricks that help, but it does take some experimenting. I blogged about all the various timing of doses I did in my anti-nausea quest as it changed. I think Tasina's milk idea sounds like a good one to try if you are OK with drinking milk (I will, but only in my latte or bowl of cereal).

Anyway, good luck, and I look forward to hearing more about your experience as you go!

Tasina said...

I posted about keeping cars clean on Maggie's site, but I'll repeat here. I am a car slob. When I was in high school my dad offered to take the back seat out of my car and put in a bunch of big garbage bins. :)

MsTekLady said...

Maggie, how long did you have the nausea thing? The after lunch idea sounds good. By lunchtime, I'm a little more "together"...I've had a small snack on my morning break and my stomach has something in it. Like you say, I'll just have to experiment and see what works best for me.

MsTekLady said...

TOO FUNNY, Tasina! I used to be a car slob, I guess you could say I'm a reformed car slob. I've only had this Jeep for 2 weeks so I'm still in the "I'm going to keep it clean" phase.. we'll see how long that lasts. :-) But, I am happy to say, I have NOT smoked in it and I do not plan to! The ashtray is still clean and unused. Lucky for me, my commute to work is only 5 minutes!

Unknown said...

Eating=good thing when you take Chantix. If I ever took Chantix, and didn't eat, I'd be so sick. Then again, when I take almost any of the medicine I've had through the years without food, it's made me sick.

I've had some people claim the upset stomach is a bad sign, but disregard anyone who says that! A sick stomach is no match for the smoking you are _NOT_ doing.

If you have midsection pain, talk to your doctor, you may need some better anti-acid medication if you are taking any.

In any case, keep with it, read some anti-smoking material. Keep the anti-smoking in mind while you don't want them, that's my advice.

If you need more anti-smoking advice, , just look under smoking/Chantix.

Anonymous said...

MsTek - I recently did a re-cap on my nausea and how I took my doses accordingly. This is the post:

Hope that helps!

On the car thing, $20 sounds extreme, but that's what I paid yesterday for inside and out because out here there are few that do the inside, and it was worth it as my treat for being good and not smoking.

MsTekLady said...

Thanks, phreaki!

MsTekLady said...

Yes, Maggie, that helps a lot! I tell ya, I'm definitely not looking forward to the nauseous days...but it's a small, temporary price to pay to become a non-smoker! I'll just have to deal with it. Thanks, again!

Anonymous said...

Very true that it is a small price to pay for as much as Chantix helps. That's why it was worth it to me to adjust the times I took the Chantix. I did have several blissful weeks in between where I was taking my Chantix on an empty stomach with coffee with no icky at all, so it has *not* been a nausea-filled experience all the way through. I just had to react accordingly when it came back, and it was easy enough for me to do.

The link in my other comment got cut off and wasn't clickable, so let me try that again:
Nausea Revisited

Anyway, continued good luck to you!