- Compared to other Chantix users, I tolerated it extremely well. Aside from bloating/gas problems, I didn't have any major, life-altering side effects. I had NO cravings whatsoever! I have a few minor thoughts of smoking, but aside from that, I did not want to smoke. Some days, especially when I didn't eat when taking my pill, I felt nauseous and the gastro problems were annoying, but not so bad to make me stop taking it...but that was month 1 and 2. Those first 2 months were soooo easy! I even posted that it was too easy for me, that it could not be this easy... well, perhaps I jinxed myself. I picked up my 3rd and last box of Chantix (I was on the 3 month program) and for whatever reason, I no longer tolerated it so well. The gastro problems got sooo bad that I could not function normally. I was missing days at work and not eating because my stomach was all messed up. Ok, thank goodness the first 2 months weren't like that or I wouldn't have made it to the 3rd month. So, bottom line, I got tired of being sick and i got COCKY! I figured, hey, I've been doing extremely well...I don't need this anymore! I only stopped 2 weeks earlier than my prescribed program (I stopped at week 10, instead of week 12 and I did NOT taper off). I just got tired of being sick and I just stopped taking the Chantix.
- The week I quit Chantix, my best friend's mom died suddenly. I was feeling edgy, but I did not smoke throughout that time...but, last week, I got a call from Chicago - one of my brother's had died unexpectedly! In the span of 2 weeks, I attended 2 funerals...one of a woman very dear to me and one of my baby brother! I simply did not have the energy to fight The Evil Addict! Actually, I did NOT have a craving to smoke, at least not a physical craving...I just felt I had to DO SOMETHING to calm down and to not think. I was in such pain, I simply did not want to FEEL anything. Also, in some perverse way, I think I was attempting a slow type of suicide, to continue the slow death that smoking inevitably brings. My brother never smoked a day in his life...so why, should I, the older sibling, a NICOTINE ADDICT deserve to live? I was, and excuse my language, F'd up in the head those first few days after his death and funeral. I am ok now and ready to fight The Evil Addict again.
- Having said all that, here is my opinion of Chantix: IT WORKS! IT DID HELP ME QUIT SMOKING and as long as I'm on it, I have no desire to smoke. I've read where some of you were prescribed for 6 months, I was only prescribed for 3 months...perhaps I need another full 3 months, but for now, I have enough left to get me through a month (I'm only going to take 1mg a day by splitting my pills in half...I have enough to be on it for another full month... if that doesn't work, I will ask my Dr. for another 3-month prescription).
- Chantix, as wonderful as it is, is NOT a miracle pill. At some point, you have to stop taking it and the decision to remain smoke-free is up to you. I have more to say, but honestly, I'm tired and I'm hungry and I'm going to go eat a very late dinner and start back on Chantix.
Friday, November 16, 2007
My QuitMeter is Gone...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Chantix Day 60 - Quit Day 53
I'll post more and catch up with everybody this weekend. In the meantime, to answer Maggie's question: How's that last box of Chantix treating you? It's treating me about the same, pretty good, except the gastro issues are worse than ever!! Some days it's so bad, I can barely eat! And that is definitely not a good thing when I can't smoke or EAT-- talk about a day from hell!!! Luckily, I've only had a couple of really bad days like that and hopefully, in these last few weeks, I won't have many more!
I hope everyone's quit is going well!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Chantix Day 57 - Quit Day 50
I'm feeling good and I don't really have anything new to post. Everything is about the same as last week's post, except I got some Gas-X and things are a lot better in that department :-) I did have an urge yesterday when I got home from work and pulled into the garage (my old smoking ground when the weather was too bad to smoke outside on the deck). I wouldn't call it a craving, but it was more than just a thought this time, so "urge" is a good word...it's what Maggie would call a tugging. Anyway, I told myself: "NO! I'm a non-smoker now!" and eventually, the urge went away...it only lasted a few minutes, less than five.
Other that that, my journey is still going well and it's still pretty easy for me (so far). Today is the day I'm due to refill my 3rd, and final, box of Chantix. Earlier in the week, I was debating whether I should refill it or not. I've missed several doses in month 2 and I never noticed a difference, so I was thinking maybe I'm ready to do this on my own. Well, that may be true, I might be ready, but I've decided to stick with my original plan and do the entire 12 weeks...so, I'll be ordering my refill here any minute. I do plan to taper off, so I'm going to sit down today and work on my tapering schedule.
Have a great weekend and continued success to all us quitters!!!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Chantix Day 50 - Quit Day 43
Wow! I can't believe how time has flown by since I took that first pill. I also can't believe how easy it's been (so far). Yes, my quit is still very easy, waaay too easy...so much so, I'm starting to get worried about life after Chantix, but I'll deal with that then...for now, I'm grateful to be having such an easy ride. I can say, without a doubt, Chantix works (for me).
As for side-effects this past week, they're about the same:
- NO cravings
- NO nausea
- Gas & bloating are worse, used to last only 20 minutes or so in the a.m., but now some days it lasts most of the day! Tracee suggested Gas-X , think I'll pick some up tonight.
- Still having "Chantix" dreams, but they're not as vivid as they used to be :-( They're still wild & crazy and entertaining, but I don't seem to remember all details like I used to.
I hope everybody is doing well with their quit or their soon-to-be-quit!! Hang in there and keep up the good work!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Chantix 43 - Quit Day 36
Still doing great! Zero cravings and no major side-effects (I still have some bloating/gas most days and I'm still having my wonderful Chantix dreams every night :-) but that's it! No new side-effects/problems to report. For me, this is still waaay too easy and I'm loving it! Continued success to all us quitters!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Chantix Day 39 - Quit Day 32
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Chantix Day 36 - Quit Day 29
My Chantix dreams are wild, crazy, and funny...nothing like some of the scary, psychotic dreams that I've heard some Chantix users have! My dreams have all been entertaining, like watching a movie. The only "bad" thing I can say is that the dreams are so real, it sometimes takes me several minutes after waking up to figure out that what I just went through was a dream and now I'm awake. But then, I've always had dreams like that, even before I took Chantix... the only difference now is that I dream every night and I remember all my dreams, down to the tiniest details! And hey, that's not bad, at all! I'm ok with that! Most nights, I look forward to going to bed because I know some exciting adventure awaits me! :-)
Hope everybody else is doing well with their quit. Continued success to us all!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Chantix Day 29 - Quit Day 22
I've made it to this point before, but it was not this easy! This is sooo easy, it's scary! To recap this past week on Chantix:
- No cravings
- No nausea
- Some bloating/gas almost daily, usually gone within 15-20 minutes after getting up. But there was one day when it was VERY bad...I felt like smoking or even death would be better than what I was feeling!!! Ok, I can be a DQ (drama queen) at times! It lasted most of that day, but eventually it went away and I decided I was ok and it was better to live! :-)
- Had trouble getting to sleep one night
- Had trouble staying asleep one night
- Chantix dreams every night, but nothing bad or scary...mostly just everyday crap with everyday people in my life. Usually I wake up laughing or shaking my head, like WTF did I dream about so-n-so for?! LOL! What makes these dreams stand out is their vividness! I remember lots of little details! Note: I dream a lot on a normal basis, even when I'm not on Chantix so I've always had crazy, weird dreams... only now they are waaay more vivid and I remember more details, some more than I care to remember! LOL! When they list vivid dreams as a Chantix side-effect, they aren't lying! I've heard some people have psychotic, scary dreams! I am so sorry for them! Thank goodness I don't! Mine are usually amusing and even entertaining, sometimes I don't want to get up until the "movie" is over!
- Felt a little rage/anger earlier in the week...long story short, I was expecting hubby to bring me food from a particular restaurant, but apparently there was some miscommunication and at 10pm I called inquiring about my food. He had forgotten about me and my food! OMG!! No food AND no cigarettes!!! Well, I kind of went off...knocked all the stuff of the bedroom dresser! I was HUNGRY!!! And when I don't smoke, I eat! Luckily for me, I'm a "tiny little thing" so I can afford to put on some extra pounds...substituting food for cigarettes is not a problem for me....at least not yet! Anyway, I cleaned up my mess and I got over it. Now, I just make sure I stock up on any snacks that I might even remotely crave...I learned from that experience that I can NOT run out of food, so it's best to be over-prepared than to NOT be prepared at all. The results can be ugly!!!
- Went to the doctor today and I have allergic rhino sinusitis! Basically a fancy phrase for a VERY bad case of sinusitis that's causing allergic reactions in my body. Wow! No wonder I've felt like crap for so long! Anyway, got a bag of new meds (antibiotics, antihistamines, nasal spray...) Just what I want, MORE meds, but it's cool, at least now I KNOW what's wrong and I can treat it. I was beginning to think I was crazy! Ok, folks that know me will say, um well, you ARE crazy, what's your point?! LOL!!! Whatever! At least now I know all these physical ailments aren't just in my mind! I start on my meds tomorrow, so hopefully by the start of the new work week I'll feel closer to "normal"! Yaaay!!!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Chantix Day 22 - Quit Day 15
The bad news: I feel like shit today! I've had allergy/sinus problems, on and off, since moving south 10 years ago. I usually take some meds and I feel better and I go on with my life. Not today! Today, I have been knocked on my azz! I woke up with a throbbing headache and I've gone through a box of tissue. My nose is raw from all the blowing and sneezing. I feel drained, like someone let all the air out of me. Ugh!
From what I've read on other blogs, it's pretty "normal" to get sick in the first few weeks after quitting. I don't remember getting sick during my previous quits, but of course, I was younger back then and younger bodies adapt and bounce back quicker :-) I'll just consider this another side-effect and, it too, shall pass. Oh, well, back to the couch...it's been a few hours since my last nap! lol
Hope everyone is doing well with their quit!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Chantix Day 20 - Quit Day 13
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Chantix Day 16 - Quit Day 9
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Chantix Day 15 - Quit Day 8
Friday, August 31, 2007
Chantix Day 14 - Quit Day 7
I will mention the doggy doo...yes, doggy doo, and I'm not even a pet owner. Anyway, long story short, there was this big pile of perfectly symmetrical doggy doo on the ground and huge crowds had gathered to look at it! Somebody grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front of the crowd to get a closer look...ok, I can't even type this with a straight face, so I'm going to stop. Wonder what the heck THAT means? My first Chantix dream and it's about doggy doo? LOL!!! And get this...that wasn't even the most bizarre part of the dream!!! Too crazy!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Chantix Day 13 - Quit Day 6
As for blanking...yes, I'm going through that too! Until I read this, I wasn't aware that I was doing it (didn't even know the term blanking until now). But yes, I have noticed that I'm forgetting stuff, now granted I've always been forgetful my whole life, so I didn't pick up on it...but, sitting here now and thinking about it, it DID suddenly get worse in the last couple of weeks - since I've been on Chantix.
On that same note, I'm also having trouble focusing...nothing serious, because again, I've always been like that...a Type A personality, so much going on in my brain that it's hard to do just one thing. For example, I'll start one task and in the middle of doing it, I'll think of something else I need to do, so I drop the first task and start on the second one! Then I'll think to myself, hey, you're supposed to be doing so-and-so(whatever the first task was)! Again, now that I think about it, that behavior has gotten worse too (in the two weeks I've been on Chantix). It's like my brain is always "ON" at top speed! And while that is normal for me, it is more extreme now...like my brain is not just On, but on overdrive!!!
I guess this would qualify as my first "negative" comment about Chantix. Those that follow my other blog know how much i love my little blue pill and its magical powers! And, really imho, this side-effect is not a negative...it hasn't changed my personality, it's only made it more "out there" and, while exhausting at times, I can handle it...what's the worst that can happen? My brain might overheat and explode!! :-) At the end of the day when I'm still a NON-SMOKER, it's all worth it!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Chantix Day 12 - Quit Day 5
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Chantix Day 11 - Quit Day 4
I had just left work, after a particularly aggravating day...I was walking to my car and thinking about how happy I was to get the hell out of there! All of a sudden, I thought: I can not wait to get home and have a cigarette! (I bought a new vehicle a few weeks before I quit and I promised myself I would never smoke in it and stink it up like I did my old one). Luckily for me when I was smoker, it's only a 5 minute drive between work & home...so those last couple of weeks as a smoker, I managed to make it home every day before having my first "after work" smoke. I have never smoked in my new car and I never will. It's still clean and fresh smelling!
Anyway, the thought went away as quickly as it came and I survived the moment!! :-)
Monday, August 27, 2007
Chantix Day 10 - Quit Day 3
It's not often that I'm at a loss for words, but I'm in such awe of this drug, that I can't help but to keep repeating myself, so, here I go again:
This is almost too good to be true!!!!!!! :-)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Chantix Day 9 - Quit Day 2
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Chantix Day 8 - Quit Day 1

It's been almost 24 hours since I had a cigarette and I feel great! I have not had any cravings or any of those awful withdrawal symptoms. Also, no nausea or drowsiness today (actually, that nice mellow buzz is back :-) probably just temporary while my body adjusts to the new 2mg/day dose. Anyway, this has been an excellent day...almost too good to be true. I've had other quits and the first day never felt like this! Ok, I know Chantix is not a magic pill, but so far it's looking pretty magical to me.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Day 7
I was going to post my Quit Day plan, but at this point, it's not "ready". All I have are several pieces of paper with quick notes jotted on them at various times throughout the week. I was going to compile them all into a meaningful list, but I'm so tired and so HOT I can barely see straight. The main points of my plan are simple: avoid all smokers, keep busy, and if I get the urge to smoke, remind myself that SMOKING KILLS!! I have more specific plans, but those three points are the gist of my plan. I even printed out "smoking kill" posters to put on my bathroom mirror and on my refrigerator.
Anyway, came in this evening to an extremely hot house. Ok picture this: I'm in SC, daytime temps have been in triple digits for 2-3 weeks now, not sure I've lost track! And it hasn't rained in over a month! Right now, it's 10:45PM and it's still 75 degrees outside! Even worse, the thermostat in my house reads 90 degrees at this moment. Yep, 90 degrees INSIDE the house!! The a/c is obviously not working...hubby is looking at it now, heard him say something about frozen coils or something. Doesn't sound good. Anyway, I'm about to take my pm dose and TRY to get some sleep! Funny! I'm hot and very miserable, but I'm not freaking out! I'm still a smoker, until I go to bed, but you know what? I don't even crave a cigarette right now! Wow! That is truly amazing! :-)
Before I sign off, I would like to share my "Goodbye to Cigarettes" letter. Those of you who are doing the Chantix GetQuit Support Plan know what I'm talking about. I wrote the other day on my afternoon break while smoking a cigarette (how appropriate, ugh!). Here it is:
Dear Cigarettes,
Smoking kills! That makes you a murderer and I don't want to hang out with with a murderer. It is time for us to part ways. Wish I could say I'll miss you, but I will not! We've been together for so long, it will be hard hot having you around, but I WILL manage without you! Most importantly, I will live a healthier and longer life without you. So, cigarettes, goodbye and good riddance - I don't want you anymore!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Day 6
I was going to post my Q-day plan tonight (just a list of stuff to do on Saturday to keep me busy). But, I'm sooo tired, I'm going to take my p.m. dose and call it a night. I'll post my list tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Day 5
Last night (day 4, after my first a.m. & p.m. dose) I had trouble falling asleep...and that's got to be the Chantix, because I usually fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow! When I woke up this morning I felt bloated and gaseous, but that passed before I even left for work. So, all in all, after yesterday's severe nausea passed, my days 4 & 5 went very well! Which reminds me, I haven't taken my p.m. pill yet...better go do that now. Goodnight and continued success to everyone!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Day 4
Took my 1st p.m. dose about an hour or ago after dinner. Feeling good, so far, though I do feel more tired than usual. O well, these side-effects are only temporary, they will eventually pass, where the effects of smoking do not pass, they eventually kill you! Today's nausea freaked me out, had me doubting if I can go through this for 12 weeks. Well, the answer to that is YES! The alternative is to continue smoking, and for me, THAT IS NOT AN OPTION!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Day 3
Started my workday as usual, running late! Had my normal workday breakfast: coffee and a cigarette. On my 10am break, I had some yogurt, took my Chantix 15 minutes later with a full glass of water. Munched on fresh strawberries and drank water until lunch. I kept waiting for the nausea to hit, but it never did! This was my first day with NO nausea! Mine is pretty mild anyway (so far), but today, I didn't even have a mild case...none, zip, zero! I did get that buzzed feeling, but as I've said earlier, it's not bad at all, actually it's kind of nice and mellow...I think it made me more productive! Anyway, it passed after a couple of hours and since then, I've felt fine all day! Of course, this could just be the calm before the storm, tomorrow is day 4...the day I double my dose. Not sure what to expect, guess I’ll find out soon enough!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Day 2
I took my second pill this morning. I felt a little dizzy/buzzed for a few hours...nothing major, just a drowsy/mellow feeling that made me want to veg out on the couch all day. I also had a mild case of nausea... actually, mild discomfort is a more accurate description. That could've been because I didn't eat a big breakfast like I did yesterday...I only had a biscuit, OJ, and a glass of water. I'm not a breakfast eater, especially during the work week...this is a concern of mine, because I need to eat when I take the my Chantix pill. My plan is to take my morning dose on my 10am break at work (that's when I usually eat for the first time of the day).
Anyway, the discomfort and the dizziness passed after a few hours and I drove to the mall to do some shopping. Life is good!! :-)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Day 1
After a nice big breakfast, I took my first dose at 11am (with a full glass of water) So far, so good!! None of the nausea that some users have described. A couple of hours later, I did feel a little drowsy, but nothing serious to where I couldn't function or even drive - the drowsiness might have nothing at all to do with the CHANTIX™ and I only mention it because this is a journal and I am recording my feelings...this is just my first day, so only time will tell if the drowsiness was a side-effect of the drug.
While on CHANTIX™, you continue to smoke while you take the drug for the first week. The goal is to stop on (or before, if you're ready) Day 8. My quit date is next Saturday, August 25, though it would be nice if feel ready to quit before then! Either way, I am committed to NOT SMOKING a week from today! I can do this and I WILL!!!!